
Champions of the Foundation

Meet Sammi

Condition: Choroid Plexus Papilloma

  • Compassionate & Friendly
  • Always looking for the positive in life
  • Loves her family, cooking, singing & dancing
Personal Bio > 

Sammi is a beautiful young girl who is admired by all who meet her and constantly inspires her family with her strength. She knows what it feels like to be stared at and spoken to differently, and that’s motivated her to protect those who are made fun of, to befriend the friendless, and embrace being different!

Sammi was born with Choroid Plexus Papilloma, a rare brain tumor that affected her ability to learn, walk, eat, run and jump. Throughout her entire life, what she has achieved with the use of only one hand is a marvel. She can cook, brush her hair and tie her shoes, a feat most of us wouldn’t even attempt one-handed! Sammi has endured six surgeries, exhaustive therapies, and many painful procedures.

A hero through it all, she always tells her little sister that everything will be all right. Before going into surgery, she would smile, take a deep breath and say “let’s do this!” Sammi is always ready for the next battle.

She sees her obstacles but always chooses to focus on the positive and remember the good things. Sammi is one of four kids, loves her family, cooking, singing, dancing, and going on vacation!

Mutts & Models

Maddie and Sammi with Trish Morris and her dog Bogart were thrilled to be part of the Mutts & Models event to benefit PetAid Colorado.

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